Forge Stainless Steel Mono Basin Mixer

Sale price£120.99


This robust yet streamlined style of the Forge range makes this mono mixer a great choice for contemporary bathrooms. It‰۪s made from solid stainless steel, which makes it durable and has a brushed finish that lends it a distinctive, stylish aesthetic. It enables you to control the temperature of your tap-water with ease using a single handle. It has a single outlet.

‰ۢMade from solid stainless steel

‰ۢOperated by one handle

‰ۢGreat control over temperature

‰ۢForge stainless steel mono basin mixer

‰ۢProduct SKU 536712

‰ۢStyle: Contemporary

‰ۢColour: Stainless Steel

‰ۢWidth: 43mm

‰ۢLength: 157mm

‰ۢMaterial: Stainless Steel

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